We're now going to apply what we've learned about satire by studying "A Modest Proposal" to another satirical literary work: The Devil's Dictionary by Ambrose Bierce.
What is it? Go here to find out.
Where's the text? Go here to get it.
What I'd like you to do before class time on Monday (11/2) is pick SEVEN (7)* word entries from Bierce's satirical dictionary that no one else
has commented on yet. In your answer in the Google Classroom, copy a dictionary definition
and copy Bierce's satirical definition. Then, explain how Bierce
satirizes a particular target by deviating from the standard definition.
Try to figure out Bierce's target and how he uses particular strategies
to satirize that target. Does Bierce use any of the satirical strategies
we've discussed, including irony, satirical inversion (or reversal), understatement (meiosis, litotes), exaggeration (hyperbole), sarcasm, absurd incongruity, and asserting a position by pretending to sweep aside that position (apophasis/paralipsis)?
Explaining satire (like explaining a joke) is difficult, so I'd rather
you risk explaining too much than risk explaining too little.
AP English Language and Composition
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Thursday, October 22, 2015
An Introduction to Satire as Argument: "A Modest Proposal" by Jonathan Swift
Here's the text of "A Modest Proposal" with helpful footnotes. (The footnotes were added by an organization called "readthinkwrite".)
Consider the SOAPSToneS elements of rhetorical discourse:
speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, tone, style.
1. Take SOAPSTone notes*. (Identify and explore the significance of speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, and tone in the text. Explore the significance means write several thoughtful sentences that interpret the element and make direct references to the text.) Bring your notes (in sentence form) to class tomorrow.
2. While preparing your SOAPSTone notes pay particular attention to how all of the elements contribute to the purpose. In your notes include at least three direction quotations (each from a different part of the text) that helped you figure out Swift's** purpose***.
* WARNING: Stay on your toes, so to speak. Be careful not to take speaker, purpose, and tone at face value. (For example, consider the possibility that the speaker may not present the author's sincere ideas. Then, consider the "purpose" of having the speaker present those ideas.)
**Note on the author: Jonathan Swift (1667-1744) was an Anglo-Irish clergyman, satirist, and poet . He published "A Modest Proposal" as an anonymous pamphlet in 1729.
***David Cody of Hartwick College offers some relevant context that might help you better understand the complex relationship of speaker, occasion, audience, and purpose in "A Modest Proposal".
Consider the SOAPSToneS elements of rhetorical discourse:
speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, tone, style.
1. Take SOAPSTone notes*. (Identify and explore the significance of speaker, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, and tone in the text. Explore the significance means write several thoughtful sentences that interpret the element and make direct references to the text.) Bring your notes (in sentence form) to class tomorrow.
2. While preparing your SOAPSTone notes pay particular attention to how all of the elements contribute to the purpose. In your notes include at least three direction quotations (each from a different part of the text) that helped you figure out Swift's** purpose***.
* WARNING: Stay on your toes, so to speak. Be careful not to take speaker, purpose, and tone at face value. (For example, consider the possibility that the speaker may not present the author's sincere ideas. Then, consider the "purpose" of having the speaker present those ideas.)
**Note on the author: Jonathan Swift (1667-1744) was an Anglo-Irish clergyman, satirist, and poet . He published "A Modest Proposal" as an anonymous pamphlet in 1729.
***David Cody of Hartwick College offers some relevant context that might help you better understand the complex relationship of speaker, occasion, audience, and purpose in "A Modest Proposal".
Monday, October 19, 2015
Comparative Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Self/Peer Assessment of Comparative Rhetorical Analysis Essay
Assessment of Rhetorical Analysis Essay (Q2) comparing Jamaica Kincaid’s “On Seeing
England for the First Time” and James Baldwin's "Notes of a Native Son"
Prompt: In a well-organized, well-developed essay compare and contrast the ways the two writers use rhetorical strategies to convey their evolving responses to the complex role ethnocentrism and cultural hegemony play in their lives.
Does the introduction end with
a clear, bold, nuanced insight comparing Baldwin and Kincaid's responses? _____ Does the introduction include a precise,
accurate statement of the rhetorical strategies that Baldwin and Kincaid use to convey their responses? _____
In your draft both parts of the
thesis should be identified. The thesis may be more than one sentence.
(Look at the prompt for one way to identify the different parts.)
Introduction. (The purpose of the introduction is to engage the reader with a big idea essential to the thesis and to let the reader know what the essay will be about.)
Introduction. (The purpose of the introduction is to engage the reader with a big idea essential to the thesis and to let the reader know what the essay will be about.)
Is there a big idea that leads
into the essay? _____ What is the big
idea? _____ Is it clearly stated? _____ How is it relevant to the thesis? _________________________________________________
Is there an effective transition
between the big idea and the thesis? _____
Where? _______________
In your draft the big idea and transition should be identified.
Body Paragraph Draft. (The purpose of a body paragraph is to develop and support a part of the thesis.)
Body Paragraph Draft. (The purpose of a body paragraph is to develop and support a part of the thesis.)
Have you kept all the promises
made in your thesis? _____ In other
words have you developed each part of the thesis in a particular body
paragraph? _____
Mark your draft to show where you’ve developed each part of the thesis
(the attitude and the strategies)?
Is there a statement at the
beginning or near the beginning of each paragraph that indicates exactly what
part of the thesis (the attitude and the strategies) that paragraph will
develop? _____ These statements are
called “topic sentences” or “mini-theses” or “body points”. It’s likely that
each of your body paragraphs will either focus on comparing Baldwin and Kincaid's use of a particular strategy
to convey their responses to injustice or will focus on comparing how
they use various strategies to convey the responses to injustice in particular sections of the essays. In other words it is likely that the essay is organized strategy-by-strategy or section-by-section. In the
rest of the paragraph have you kept the promise made in your topic
sentence/mini-thesis/body point? _____
Mark your draft to show the “topic sentences” / “mini-theses” / “body
Within each paragraph you need
evidence (including direct quotation) that support your comparison of
how Baldwin and Kincaid's convey their responses to injustice with
rhetorical strategies. Where is the evidence specific? _____ Where is it precise? _____ Is it
thorough or are parts of the essays neglected? _____
Mark the evidence.
You also need to explain clearly
and convincingly how each piece of evidence supports your comparison of
Baldwin and Kincaid's use of strategies to convey their responses to
injustice. Is the connection between each piece of evidence and the
thesis explained? _____ Is the explanation accurate? Is the
explanation well-developed? Is the explanation convincing? _____
Mark the explanation.
Conclusion. (The purpose of the conclusion is to drive home the point of the essay and to drive home the significance of that point.)
Conclusion. (The purpose of the conclusion is to drive home the point of the essay and to drive home the significance of that point.)
Do you return to the big idea? _____ Have you woven the big idea together with
your thesis? _____ (Consult the example
essay JJ1 if you have questions.) Have you given the reader a sense of why the
ideas explored in your essay matter? _____
Mark where you see the big idea and the thesis in the conclusion.
Style. Have you created a title that indicates the essay topic and your take on the topic? _____ Have you created logical transitions between the paragraphs? _____ Have you varied your sentence structure? _____ Are all your word choices precise and nuanced? _____
Conventions. Does the essay have any run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, or homophone errors? _____ _____ _____ Does the essay use third person and present tense when analyzing the text? _____ Does the essay handle all quotations, including block quotes, correctly? _____
Write questions and comments in the space below.
Notes on conventions: (1) In the introduction make sure you mention the author's full name and title of the piece you are analyzing. (2) Use present tense when writing about literature: "Kincaid implies...," "The author illustrates..... " or "Baldwin suggests..." (3) Cite a quotation from page 587 of James Baldwin's essay: "like this" (Baldwin 334). Or, if the previous quotation was from Baldwin, do it "like this" (334). (4) Avoid stand alone quotations. Consider using a colon after a complete thought to introduce the quotation: "like this" (Cook 4).
Style. Have you created a title that indicates the essay topic and your take on the topic? _____ Have you created logical transitions between the paragraphs? _____ Have you varied your sentence structure? _____ Are all your word choices precise and nuanced? _____
Conventions. Does the essay have any run-on sentences, incomplete sentences, or homophone errors? _____ _____ _____ Does the essay use third person and present tense when analyzing the text? _____ Does the essay handle all quotations, including block quotes, correctly? _____
Write questions and comments in the space below.
Notes on conventions: (1) In the introduction make sure you mention the author's full name and title of the piece you are analyzing. (2) Use present tense when writing about literature: "Kincaid implies...," "The author illustrates..... " or "Baldwin suggests..." (3) Cite a quotation from page 587 of James Baldwin's essay: "like this" (Baldwin 334). Or, if the previous quotation was from Baldwin, do it "like this" (334). (4) Avoid stand alone quotations. Consider using a colon after a complete thought to introduce the quotation: "like this" (Cook 4).
Option if you're stuck:
Plan. (The purpose of the plan is to give the essay a provisional structure.)
Have you organized your essay by strategy (strategy 1,
strategy 2, etc.) or by working through sections/passages of the two essays
(the beginning of the essay, the next section, etc.)? _____ Have you outlined a comparison of how responses to injustice are conveyed by rhetorical strategies? _____ Have you
found the specific evidence supporting your comparative ideas? _____ Are you able to explain how the evidence supports your comparative ideas? _____
The parts of the
plan should be evident in the plan you have in your notes. Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Personal Experience Essay (Mini-Memoir)
publishes well-known and emerging writers working in the extremely brief (750
words or less [sic]) essay form. We
have featured work from two Pulitzer prize finalists, numerous NEA fellows,
Pushcart winners, Best American authors, and writers from India, Egypt,
Ireland, Spain, Malaysia,
and Japan.
We have also published many previously unpublished authors, and take a special
joy in helping to launch a new literary career."
That’s what the editors at Brevity: A Journal of Concise Literary Fiction have to say about
their online literary journal.
Here’s your assignment: Write a concise personal essay (750 words or fewer) about a significant relationship in your life. It could be a relationship with a person, a group, a place, an object, or something else. In writing your essay, consider using the literary elements that we have investigated, particularly voice, organization, storytelling, description, and reflection. All of these elements should contribute to characterizing the relationship and to thematic development. (Use the class readings as models.)
A complete first draft is due by class time on Wednesday, October 7.
The final draft is due before pumpkin time on Friday, October 9.
What makes a personal essay successful?
* Title (explicit? suggestive? symbolic? ironic?)
* Voice and style (“a living voice” that uses “verbal nuance” and shows “self-awareness”)
* Detail (create detail that is vivid and suggestive: emotional detail; physical description of people (characters), places, and objects; literal and figurative imagery; dialogue; the exact name of people,
places, things)
* Storytelling (compelling, suggestive events with “tension”)
* Reflection (“constructing meaning” with “unreconciled tension,” “complexity” and “self-awareness”)
* Organization (chronological, episodic, spatial, circular, etc.)
Below are some prompts that will help you with the self-assessment and peer-assessment of your draft. Start with a self-assessment that you'll complete in class Wednesday, October 7. Use the prompts below to guide peer feedback too. Make sure it is clear to your peer what you want feedback on and what, if anything, you don't.
What's the best way to do this?
1. Use the color coding on the website to highlight words, phrases, sentences in your essay that address the prompts: Title, Voice and style (“a living voice”), Storytelling/anecdote/vignette, Details, Reflection, Organization.
To highlight in Google Docs click on the A to the right of the B I U near the top of the page. After clicking select "highlight." (Or, similarly mark up your paper draft.)
2. Click on the "Comments" button in the upper right corner. To respond to questions about title, voice, storytelling, details, reflection, and organization. You don't have to answer all the questions but you want to do an awesome job being thoughtful, reflective, and specific about the questions you do answer. (Or, similarly comment on your paper draft.)
It's a good idea to start each comment with the area(s) you are addressing; for example: Storytelling and Reflection--I think I did a good job making my story about the first time I came to Gloucester vivid but I'd like some feedback on how I could do a better job reflecting on exactly how the experience affected me and, in many ways, changed my life. Or, here's another example: Organization/Reflection--I like the ending that I've written; it puts closure on the story, but I'm wondering if I need more reflection in the end. Have I done a good enough job drawing out the significance of the story I've told?
Give a sense of the relationship between the title and the essay.
Explain how it is either explicit (stating something about the essay directly) or suggestive (implying a more symbolic and/or playful relationship with the essay).
Voice and style (“a living voice”)
Describe the voice and style of the essay.
Mark or write down places where the voice and style is particularly apparent and effective.
Explain how the voice and style suit the topic and themes.
Are there any dead metaphors or clichés? ("At the end of the day..." "When all is said and done...") Or phrases that might be clichés? Where? (Note: Playing with clichés, using them ironically, or bringing them back to life can be an effective technique, but this is hard to do.)
Are there any immature language patterns? (“In this essay I will…”) Where?
Does the essay show signs of “verbal nuance”? Where? What words seem very precise and suggestive? What words might be reconsidered and sharpened?
Describe the tone. How do you know? Does the tone suit the topic and themes?
Where do you see evidence of storytelling?
Where is the storytelling vivid? Where might it be more vivid?
Where does it create tension or drama? Where might the tension or drama be heightened?
Where is the storytelling suggesting something about the relationship? What is suggested?
Details: emotional detail, physical description (imagery) of people and places, precise names for people and things, dialogue
Where do you see vivid, precise detail that suggests something about the relationship (or that characterizes the relationship)?
Where could the detail be sharper, more suggestive?
Has the writer helped the reader experience her/his world? Where?
Reflection: what does it all mean? why does it matter?
Where are the compelling insights into the relationship?
Are they implied? Where? Are they stated? Where?
What theme or themes seem to emerge from the essay?
Describe the organization and how it contributes to the essay’s effectiveness.
Is the organization straightforward? Inventive? Explain.
Is the opening effective in relation to the purpose?
Is the end effective in relation to the purpose?
Friday, September 25, 2015
Six-Word Memoirs: Getting Started with Memoir & Personal Essay Analysis and Writing
Why do we tell stories about ourselves? Why do we read stories about other people?
In this unit we'll explore memoir and personal essay writing, building up on our reading of The Faraway Nearby and All Souls this summer.
To get started, we're going to have some fun while doing some
self-exploration and self-expression by writing six six-word memoirs.
Here's the assignment:
This weekend you're going to write six six-word memoirs (or memoir vignettes).
Post them in the "answer" space in our Google Classroom.
Here are some helpful definitions:
A memoir is an account of one's life, including personal experiences and observations of one's surroundings. Memoirs differ from autobiographies in that they tend to focus (1) on memories from a particular section of one's life and/or (2) on personal development, whereas autobiographies tend to focus (1) on one's life as a whole and/or (2) on one's life as history.
A memoir vignette is a scene from one's life that leaves the reader with a particular impression of one's self, one's development, one's environment.
So each of your six-word memoirs could sum up a particular section of your life, or show personal development, or focus on a particular scene from your life that leaves the reader with a strong impression of yourself and/or your environment.
How to get started?
You might begin by brainstorming particular moments in your life that have stayed with you. These moments could be big and personal. Running away from home for four hours on a Sunday. Going to Boston on the train with friends for the first time. They could be big in your environment. The birth of a sibling. The remarriage of a parent. They could be small but memorable. The sight of tall ships in the harbor when you were six. The feeling of cold water on your back when your tent started leaking on a camping trip. Etc. You could weave in some general statements about your childhood too. I was too scared to talk to adults when I was young. I thought a lot about how to stay out of hell.
Then choose some parts of your brainstorm to shape into six-word memoirs. Think seriously about word choice, punctuation, and syntax. Consider connotation (the association words have beyond their literal meaning) and tone (ironic? contemplative? dour? witty? objective? emotive?).
Here are some examples:
Mom and Dad: teens, poor, loving.
Always on the Massachusetts coast, kid.
Trapped in class; free in trees.
Weymouth to Kingston; Boston to Gloucester.
Quiet, loud, tender, angry: my contradictions.
My self is a nesting doll.
Follow the links for more examples of six-word memoirs. Be
prepared to talk about some six-word memoirs that you've read. Think
about word choice, sentence structure, imagery, detail,
characterization, as well as ethos, pathos, logos: all that the
rhetorical strategies we've begun studying this year.
(At some sites the six-word memoirs are accompanied by photographs or
drawings. If you'd like you could create some art to go with your
six-word memoirs.)

NPR Search : NPR
In this unit we'll explore memoir and personal essay writing, building up on our reading of The Faraway Nearby and All Souls this summer.
To get started, we're going to have some fun while doing some
self-exploration and self-expression by writing six six-word memoirs.
Here's the assignment:
This weekend you're going to write six six-word memoirs (or memoir vignettes).
Post them in the "answer" space in our Google Classroom.
Here are some helpful definitions:
A memoir is an account of one's life, including personal experiences and observations of one's surroundings. Memoirs differ from autobiographies in that they tend to focus (1) on memories from a particular section of one's life and/or (2) on personal development, whereas autobiographies tend to focus (1) on one's life as a whole and/or (2) on one's life as history.
A memoir vignette is a scene from one's life that leaves the reader with a particular impression of one's self, one's development, one's environment.
So each of your six-word memoirs could sum up a particular section of your life, or show personal development, or focus on a particular scene from your life that leaves the reader with a strong impression of yourself and/or your environment.
How to get started?
You might begin by brainstorming particular moments in your life that have stayed with you. These moments could be big and personal. Running away from home for four hours on a Sunday. Going to Boston on the train with friends for the first time. They could be big in your environment. The birth of a sibling. The remarriage of a parent. They could be small but memorable. The sight of tall ships in the harbor when you were six. The feeling of cold water on your back when your tent started leaking on a camping trip. Etc. You could weave in some general statements about your childhood too. I was too scared to talk to adults when I was young. I thought a lot about how to stay out of hell.
Then choose some parts of your brainstorm to shape into six-word memoirs. Think seriously about word choice, punctuation, and syntax. Consider connotation (the association words have beyond their literal meaning) and tone (ironic? contemplative? dour? witty? objective? emotive?).
Here are some examples:
Mom and Dad: teens, poor, loving.
Always on the Massachusetts coast, kid.
Trapped in class; free in trees.
Weymouth to Kingston; Boston to Gloucester.
Quiet, loud, tender, angry: my contradictions.
My self is a nesting doll.
Follow the links for more examples of six-word memoirs. Be
prepared to talk about some six-word memoirs that you've read. Think
about word choice, sentence structure, imagery, detail,
characterization, as well as ethos, pathos, logos: all that the
rhetorical strategies we've begun studying this year.
(At some sites the six-word memoirs are accompanied by photographs or
drawings. If you'd like you could create some art to go with your
six-word memoirs.)
Six-Word Memoirs: Life Stories Distilled : NPR
NPR Search : NPR
Monday, August 31, 2015
Summer Reading Assignments: Getting Ready to Start the Year
* Any work completed by the end of the first day of school (September 1) will be considered on time!
Here is all the summer work in one place...
All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald
5=Choose five scenes in MacDonald's memoir that are significant to the development of important ideas in the book. (A scene is an event that occurs in one place at one time.) Summarize each scene, including key details and page numbers. Then, explain how each scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book. (Quoting key details is often necessary to support explanations.) (Write the summaries with page numbers in the left column; write your explanations in the right column.)
4=Choose four people who are characterized in MacDonald's memoir.
Find a significant passage for each of the four people. Explain how in
each passage MacDonald reveals something significant about the character
that also contributes to the development of an important idea (or
ideas) in the book as a whole. (Write the passages with page numbers in
the left column; write your explanations in the right column.)
3=Choose three different places that are characterized in MacDonald's memoir. Find a passage that describes each of the three places. Explain how in each passage MacDonald reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.(Write the passages with page numbers in the left column; write your explanations in the right column.)
The Faraway Nearby by Rebecca Solnit
4. Look at the text at the bottom of each page. How does the text running along the bottom of each contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book? (Use direct quotation in your response.)
4. Look at the way Solnit weaves together seemingly unrelated stories to convey a theme. Choose two or more stories that Solnit weaves together. How do the stories contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book?
Choose a description of a person or place. Direct description. Direct characterization. Indirect characterization. How does the description/characterization contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book?
Use Google Slides to create a PowerPoint-style presentation that (1) demonstrates an understanding of each concept in bold above and (2) demonstrates an understanding of at least one example from the book of each concept in bold above. (If you cannot use Google Slides, then create an outline that (1) demonstrates an understanding of each concept in bold above and (2) demonstrates an understanding of at least one example from the book of each concept in bold above.)
one rhetorical strategy/technique/choice from each of the seven
"Champions of Rhetoric" sections. Identify the strategy and then explain
how the strategy contributes to (or detracts from) the argument being
made. (Quote from Sam Leith's analysis to support your response, and
explain the quotations to show that you understand Leith's analysis.)
Each analysis should be the length of a proficient or advanced MCAS-style open response.
* Any work completed by the day after Labor Day (September 8) will be
accepted with a slight grade reduction
* The summer work constitutes a single term one summative assessment project grade. Here is all the summer work in one place...
All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald
5=Choose five scenes in MacDonald's memoir that are significant to the development of important ideas in the book. (A scene is an event that occurs in one place at one time.) Summarize each scene, including key details and page numbers. Then, explain how each scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book. (Quoting key details is often necessary to support explanations.) (Write the summaries with page numbers in the left column; write your explanations in the right column.)
(Note: you should choose scenes from throughout the book--not just the beginning.)
3=Choose three different places that are characterized in MacDonald's memoir. Find a passage that describes each of the three places. Explain how in each passage MacDonald reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.(Write the passages with page numbers in the left column; write your explanations in the right column.)
The Faraway Nearby by Rebecca Solnit
1. Look at the whole book. Explain how each
chapter contributes to the development of ideas in the book.
(Demonstrate an understanding of the contents of each chapter. Explain
how each chapter relates to the other chapters in a particular order and
how each chapter contributes to the overall meaning and effect of the
book.) [300+ words]
2. Choose a significant paragraph (perhaps a
paragraph that you like). Explain how each sentence in the paragraph
contributes to the development of ideas in the paragraph and how the
paragraph contributes to the development of ideas in the chapter. (Show
an awareness of what each sentence means, how each sentence relates to
the other sentence in a particular order, how each sentence contributes
to the overall meaning and effect of the paragraph, and how the
paragraph contributes to the chapter.) [300+ words]
3. Choose a sentence with meaning, word
choice, and syntax (word order) that interest you. Explain how each word
and each punctuation mark contributes to the development of the
sentence's meaning. (Show an awareness of what each word means. Think
about denotation and connotation. Think about what each punctuation mark
is doing. Think about how each word and/or phrase relates to the other
words in a particular order that creates meaning and has a particular
effect on the reader.) [100+ words]
4. Choose a particular object that recurs in the book. How does the
object contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book? (Use direct quotation in your response.)
OR4. Look at the text at the bottom of each page. How does the text running along the bottom of each contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book? (Use direct quotation in your response.)
4. Look at the way Solnit weaves together seemingly unrelated stories to convey a theme. Choose two or more stories that Solnit weaves together. How do the stories contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book?
Choose a description of a person or place. Direct description. Direct characterization. Indirect characterization. How does the description/characterization contribute to the overall meaning and effect of the book?
Words Like Loaded Pistols by Sam Leith
1. Read & take notes:
p. 43-44 Five Parts of Rhetoric
p. 43-44 Five Parts of Rhetoric
p. 45-72 First Part: Invention (subsections: Ethos, Pathos, Logos)
p. 81-106 Second Part: Arrangement (subsections: Exordium, Narration, Division, Proof, Refutation, Peroration)
p. 119-136 Third Part: Style (subsections: Decorum, Jokes, Sound Effects, Controlling the Tense, The Figures)
Use Google Slides to create a PowerPoint-style presentation that (1) demonstrates an understanding of each concept in bold above and (2) demonstrates an understanding of at least one example from the book of each concept in bold above. (If you cannot use Google Slides, then create an outline that (1) demonstrates an understanding of each concept in bold above and (2) demonstrates an understanding of at least one example from the book of each concept in bold above.)
2. Also, read & take notes on the "Champions of Rhetoric":
p. 73-80 fiction "Satan"
p. 107-118 Cicero
p. 137-146 Abraham Lincoln
p. 163-178 Hitler & Churchill
p. 207-218 Martin Luther King Jr.
p. 231-248 Barack Obama
p. 263-278 The Unknown Speech Writer
Friday, June 26, 2015
5-4-3-2-1 Assignment for All Souls by Michael Patrick MacDonald
While reading All Souls make note of the following using post-it notes, bookmark notes, or writing in your own copy of the book:
5=Choose five scenes in MacDonald's memoir that are significant to the development of important ideas in the book. (A scene is an event that occurs in one place at one time.) Summarize each scene, including key details and page numbers. Then, explain how each scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book. (Quoting key details is often necessary to support explanations.) When planning your explanation consider, how the following characteristics contribute to the significance of the scene: the way the author uses point of view (the point of view of the author looking back, the point of view of the author as a child experiencing the scene, the imagined point of view of other people), the way the scene relates to previous and subsequent scenes, the way the scene itself is structured (or organized), the way the scene is written (the subjectivity/objectivity of the voice, the informality/formality of the language, the particular phrasing of key moments in the scene), and the selection of details (physical descriptions, emotional descriptions, etc.)
Summarize scene #1, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #2, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #3, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #4, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #5, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
#1 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#2 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#3 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#4 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
3=Choose three different places that are characterized in MacDonald's memoir. Find a passage that describes each of the three places. Explain how in each passage MacDonald reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#1 What place? _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
75-100 words or so explaining how the passage
reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#2 What place? _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
75-100 words or so explaining how the passage
reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#2 What place? _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
75-100 words or so explaining how the passage
reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#1 What mood/feeling? Passage typed out with page number:
what the mood/feeling is, how MacDonald creates the mood/feeling, and
how the mood/feeling is related to the rest of the book. 75-100 words or so.
#2 What mood/feeling? Passage typed out with page number:
what the mood/feeling is, how MacDonald creates the mood/feeling, and
how the mood/feeling is related to the rest of the book. 75-100 words or so.
1=Narrate and reflect on one story from your own personal experience or personal observation that either shows a way that Gloucester is similar
I look forward to seeing you on July 13.
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