While reading All Souls make note of the following using post-it notes, bookmark notes, or writing in your own copy of the book:
5=Choose five scenes in MacDonald's memoir that are significant to the development of important ideas in the book. (A scene is an event that occurs in one place at one time.) Summarize each scene, including key details and page numbers. Then, explain how each scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book. (Quoting key details is often necessary to support explanations.) When planning your explanation consider, how the following characteristics contribute to the significance of the scene: the way the author uses point of view (the point of view of the author looking back, the point of view of the author as a child experiencing the scene, the imagined point of view of other people), the way the scene relates to previous and subsequent scenes, the way the scene itself is structured (or organized), the way the scene is written (the subjectivity/objectivity of the voice, the informality/formality of the language, the particular phrasing of key moments in the scene), and the selection of details (physical descriptions, emotional descriptions, etc.)
Summarize scene #1, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #2, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #3, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #4, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
Summarize scene #5, including key details. Type the passage and write the page numbers.
Explain how the scene contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book). 75-100 words or so.
#1 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#2 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#3 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#4 Person's Name: _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
words or so explaining how the passage reveals
something significant about the character that also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
3=Choose three different places that are characterized in MacDonald's memoir. Find a passage that describes each of the three places. Explain how in each passage MacDonald reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#1 What place? _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
75-100 words or so explaining how the passage
reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#2 What place? _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
75-100 words or so explaining how the passage
reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#2 What place? _________________
Passage typed out with page number:
75-100 words or so explaining how the passage
reveals something about the place that is also contributes to the
development of an important idea (or ideas) in the book as a whole.
#1 What mood/feeling? Passage typed out with page number:
what the mood/feeling is, how MacDonald creates the mood/feeling, and
how the mood/feeling is related to the rest of the book. 75-100 words or so.
#2 What mood/feeling? Passage typed out with page number:
what the mood/feeling is, how MacDonald creates the mood/feeling, and
how the mood/feeling is related to the rest of the book. 75-100 words or so.
1=Narrate and reflect on one story from your own personal experience or personal observation that either shows a way that Gloucester is similar
I look forward to seeing you on July 13.
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